Education | Bearfoot

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What the shoe industry doesn't want you to know...taking a deep dive into the history of shoes. A constricted foot leads to poor movement patterns, and poor movement patterns are a big reason for pain and injury. Give your feet--and the rest of your body--a chance to function and move to their full capacity rather than keep them in the cages created by the popular shoe industry. The Bearfoot Ursus is the solution to the "shoe conspiracy."

Do Barefoot Shoes Cause Sore Feet?

Do Barefoot Shoes Cause Sore Feet?

Dive into the real impact of minimalist shoes on foot health with Chris Duffin. Discover why discomfort can lead to stronger feet and how these shoes are reshaping foot care, debunking myths with solid research and personal insights.
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Barefoot Gym Etiquette

Barefoot Gym Etiquette

Explore the often-neglected aspect of gym hygiene, especially regarding footwear and feet. While Chris is known for impressive habits at the gym, not all are positive. The habit of training barefoot in public gym areas raises significant hygiene concerns. Gyms, being shared spaces, pose a risk of disease transmission through contact with the floor. This isn't just a foot issue; it's a public health matter. Remember to wear shoes in the gym for hygiene and safety. If foot mechanics is your goal, consider Bearfoot shoes for the best of both worlds.
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Are Bearfoot Shoes a One-Size-Fits-All Solution?

Are Bearfoot Shoes a One-Size-Fits-All Solution?

The notion that barefoot-style shoes are universally suitable is a misconception. Footwear is designed to safeguard against environmental risks and diseases, with each type tailored to specific scenarios. Similar to selecting appropriate safety gear for certain tasks, choosing the right shoes depends on the environment. For instance, in activities like working on a truck, the Ursus may not be as ideal as the Bruins. The Bruins, with their robust materials, flexible design, and ample toe space, offer an excellent balance, promoting natural foot movement while ensuring protection. This underscores that minimalist shoes, though beneficial, are not a one-size-fits-all solution for every occasion.
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Debunking the Ankle Support Myth for Hiking Boots

Debunking the Ankle Support Myth for Hiking Boots

When gearing up for a hike, the right footwear is more than just about ankle support, a common myth often associated with reducing injuries and fatigue. This belief, which I'll explore further in an upcoming detailed video, overlooks the importance of naturally strengthening foot and ankle structures. Over-dependence on ankle support can unintentionally shift stress to other areas like the knees. While there are valid reasons to consider certain types of hiking shoes, the focus should be on flexibility and natural foot movement, not solely on supporting the ankle. The ideal hiking shoe provides protection against natural elements such as thorny bushes, offering a balanced blend of safety and mobility.
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You Don't Have Plantar Fasciitis

You Don't Have Plantar Fasciitis

Unlock the secret to overcoming plantar fasciitis: It's not arch supports but strengthening your feet and choosing the right shoes. Dive into a world where flexibility, a wide toe box, and a gradual shift to natural foot mechanics pave the way to lasting foot health. Say goodbye to temporary fixes and hello to strong, happy feet.
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Bearfoot Shoes 101: Zero Drop

Bearfoot Shoes 101: Zero Drop

So...What's the difference between zero drop shoes and barefoot style shoes? Co-founder Chris Duffin is here to break down exactly what these terms mean and help you navigate the world of minimalist footwear. If you're looking for shoes that are zero drop, barefoot style, and promote overall foot health, we can help.
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The Most Innovative Insoles Ever

The Most Innovative Insoles Ever

Blumaka's Konnect Low Profile insoles provide athletes and active individuals with the means to attain the control, support, and capacity for explosive movements. This thin but mighty insole was designed to add just enough cushion to your feet without changing the fit of your shoes.

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Unleashing Movement and Strength

Unleashing Movement and Strength

Discover how Ursus shoes are changing the game by honoring the foot's natural biomechanics. With a design that promotes flexibility and strength, experience a shift in how your feet move, feel, and perform. Unleash your full physical potential with footwear that's built to enhance, not inhibit.
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Best Reasons For Hiking In Barefoot Shoes and Boots

Best Reasons For Hiking In Barefoot Shoes and Boots

Explore how zero-drop footwear can alleviate low back pain, enhance muscle activation and balance, and ensure long-lasting durability on the trails. Dive into the mechanics of body alignment, the benefits of a natural foot stance, and the advantages of a flexible sole for sensory perception. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or a beginner, learn why making the switch to Bearfoot might just be the best decision for your outdoor adventures and overall well-being.
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How Your Shoes Can Shape You

How Your Shoes Can Shape You

Delve into the fascinating connection between your shoes and your body's posture. This insightful piece unveils how even the slightest heel elevation can cascade into significant changes in your ankle, knee, pelvis, and even neck posture. Understand the science behind why your choice of footwear could be the key to unlocking a pain-free, well-aligned body. Learn how to align your body from the ground up for optimal health and mobility.
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Shoe Construction, or Body Destruction?

Shoe Construction, or Body Destruction?

Explore the profound influence of footwear on our body's mechanics and overall health. This deep dive into the materials and designs of modern shoes reveals surprising truths about how they affect our posture and pain levels. Uncover the hidden connection between your shoes and body aches, and learn why choosing the right footwear is more than a fashion statement—it's a crucial decision for your physical well-being.

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How Did Society Get Shoes So Wrong?

How Did Society Get Shoes So Wrong?

We unravel how society's quest for style led to the widespread adoption of harmful footwear. This journey takes us from the stirrups of horse riders to the grandeur of social galas, revealing the surprising origins of heels and their impact on foot health. Discover how good intentions morphed into a cycle of 'band-aid solutions', creating shoes that compromise our natural gait and weaken our muscles.
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