Cleaning Suede Shoes | Bearfoot

Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot | Cleaning Suede Shoes - Bearfoot

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Cleaning Suede Shoes

Dive into the art of suede maintenance with this comprehensive guide. From initial brushing to the final touches, discover the essential steps to keep your suede looking impeccably soft and strong. Learn the process to maintain this material and ensure your shoes are ready to stand up to your next challenge.

  1. Suede Cleaner
  2. Horse Hair Brush
  3. Cloth

Start by gently brushing the suede with your brush. This step is crucial for removing surface-level dirt and debris and helps in fluffing up the nap, preparing it for a deeper clean.


Apply a small amount of cleaner onto a suede brush or a soft cloth. It's advisable to do a spot test on a less visible area to check for colorfastness and any adverse reactions. Using the brush to gently scrub the suede in a circular motion, focusing on stained or heavily soiled areas. Be careful not to oversaturate the suede with the cleaner. The goal is to lift the dirt, not to wet the suede thoroughly.


Once you have thoroughly cleaned the shoe, use your cloth to gently wipe away any excess cleaner. This step also helps in removing any lifted dirt that remains on the surface.


After cleaning, let the shoes dry naturally in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight and heat sources as these can cause the suede to fade or become stiff. You might want to stuff the shoes with paper to help maintain their shape and absorb any excess moisture.


Once the shoes are completely dry, use your brush to gently brush the shoes. This final step is essential for reviving the nap and giving your shoes a refreshed and neat appearance. It also helps in blending any areas that might have been cleaned more thoroughly than others


Routine maintenance can significantly extend the life and look of your suede shoes. Regular brushing and spot cleaning as needed are key to keeping them in prime condition.

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