Sponsored Athletes | Bearfoot

Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot | Sponsored Athletes - Bearfoot

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Sam Belliveau - Bearfoot

Sam Belliveau

Sam Belliveau is a rising star in professional strongwoman competitions known for her incredible strength and determination. She has excelled in events like the log lift, yoke walk, and Atlas stones, setting world records and winning titles. Belliveau is also dedicated to mentoring and advocating for the sport, inspiring athletes and fans alike.

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Bobby Thompson - Bearfoot

Bobby Thompson

Bobby Thompson is a professional strongman known for his remarkable feats of strength and notable sports accomplishments. He holds the American record for the log press and has competed in multiple World's Strongest Man competitions. Thompson's training focuses on heavy lifts like deadlifts and log presses, and his nutrition plan includes staple foods and supplements to support his intense training.
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Kat Dumas - Bearfoot

Kat Dumas

Kat Dumas is an accomplished athlete excelling in bodybuilding, powerlifting, and CrossFit. She actively engages with her audience on social media, sharing her fitness journey, training tips, and motivational content. Her athletic background includes competing in powerlifting competitions, bodybuilding contests, and the CrossFit Games Open, highlighting her dedication and expertise in the fitness and strength sports arena.
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Antoine Vaillant - Bearfoot

Antoine Vaillant

Antoine Vaillant is a professional bodybuilder and fitness model from Canada. He’s achieved several notable victories in bodybuilding competitions and provides fitness coaching and training programs. Vaillant has been open about his struggles with addiction and mental health issues, using his platform to raise awareness and inspire others facing similar challenges.

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    Helena Crevar - Bearfoot

    Helena Crevar

    Helena Crevar is a rising star in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). She began training at eight in Las Vegas and later moved to Austin, Texas, to train under John Danaher at New Wave Jiu-Jitsu. She is currently ranked 10th globally in the women’s 145-pound division. Helena balances intense training with homeschooling and aspires to open her gym in the future.

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    Tom Haviland - Bearfoot

    Tom Haviland

    Tom Haviland is a renowned Australian athlete known for his extraordinary strength and unconventional training techniques. Based in Queensland, Australia, he showcases his impressive physique and strength on social media by performing incredible feats like lifting heavy objects such as truck parts and boulders. While he doesn't compete professionally, his training routine and strongman-style lifts have earned him a following in the strongman community.

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    Kyle Nowak - Bearfoot

    Kyle Nowak

    Kyle Nowak, a rising star in powerlifting from the United States, has gained recognition for his remarkable strength and dedication. Nowak’s disciplined training approach and commitment to self-improvement inspire fellow athletes and showcase his potential for continued growth and success in the sport.

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    Maxime Boudreault - Bearfoot

    Maxime Boudreault

    Maxime Boudreault, a Canadian strongman, has made a significant impact on professional strongman competitions with his incredible strength, strategic approach, and mental toughness. His work ethic and commitment to constant improvement inspire upcoming athletes, highlighting the power of dedication and resilience in the strongman community.

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    Evan 'T-Rex' Singleton - Bearfoot

    Evan 'T-Rex' Singleton

    Evan Singleton, also known as “T-Rex,” transitioned from being a baseball player and wrestler to a successful professional strongman after an injury ended his wrestling career. He now dominates the Strongman world and shares training tips and personal insights with fans through social media.

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    Trey Mitchell - Bearfoot

    Trey Mitchell

    Trey Mitchell is a renowned professional strongman from the United States with impressive physical strength and strategic approach. Aside from his competition successes, Mitchell is recognized for his strict training regimen and commitment to improvement. He also plays a supportive role in the strongman community, often motivating and mentoring upcoming athletes.

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